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Dzięki ponad 15-letniemu doświadczeniu, Aylward Financial Services zapewnia rzetelną analizę rynku „jeden do jednego” i może zaoferować naszym klientom najlepszą wartość, korzyści i rozwiązania, niezależnie od ich potrzeb finansowych.

Specjalizujemy się w każdym z poniższych:

Senior Couple


Pension & Retirement Planning

It's never too early to start saving for your retirement. Pensions are an extremely tax-efficient way of saving. Contact us we'll be happy to help you achieve the retirement you want!

Woman at Work

Income Protection

Income Protection Cover

Aylward Financial Services are able to advise on the appropriate level of cover, taking into account your income needs, your benefit entitlements, and the cost and availability of cover.

Euro Coin

Savings & Investments

Savings & Investments

Aylward Financial Services will help you navigate the complex minefield of investments to ensure you get an investment appropriate to your needs.

Red love heart on hearts

Serious Illness

Serious illness cover

Serious illness cover pays a tax-free lump sum in the event you are diagnosed with a number of specified serious illnesses. 40 such illnesses covered on a typical policy.

Retirement Protection

Life Assurance

Life Insurance Cover

With life assurance, you can make sure your family is protected even if the worst happens to you. It makes sense to take precautions against the financial impact of your death.

Business Meeting at a Cafe

Business Protection

Business Protection

Business Protection Insurance, also known as Keyperson Insurance, is an insurance policy that protects the lives of key persons within a business.

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